The solution existence and uniqueness of generalized KdV-Burgers equation 广义KdV-Burgers方程的解的存在唯一性
Existence of Multiple Solutions on Boundary Value Problems for a Discrete Generalized Emden-Fowler Equation 离散广义Emden-Fowler方程边值问题的多解存在性
Optimal Error Estimates for Fourier Spectral Approxiation of the Generalized KdV Equation 广义KdV方程Fourier谱逼近的最优误差估计
The extended F-expansion method and new exact solutions of the generalized KdV equation 修正的F展开法和推广的KdV方程新的孤波解和精确解
Asymptotic Convergence of Solutions of Scalar Viscous Conservation Laws and Generalized BBM-Burgers Equation in a One-Dimensional Half Space 一维半空间中单个粘性守恒律及广义BBM-Burgers方程解的渐近收敛性
In this article, We give several kinds of special differential equations and obtain solving methods, generalized Bernoulli equation. 本文给出了几类特殊的常微分方程并提供了求解方法,推广了伯努利方程。
The proof of the new algorithm was also presented, which showed that its optimal weight vector was the solution of generalized Wiener equation. 从信号前后时刻相关性角度出发,提出了一种新的快速自适应滤波算法,并证明了其最优权值是一种广义的维纳方程解。
The asymptotic behaviors of solutions are studied for the generalized BBM-Burgers equation with boundary effect in this thesis. 本文引入和讨论一类新的广义BBM方程,得到了关于这类广义BBM方程周期行波解的一些存在性定理。
Marginal regression model and its associated generalized estimating equation ( GEE) are becoming increasingly being used in longitudinal studies. 边际回归模型和与此有关的广义估计方程(GEE)在纵向数据分析中得到了广泛的应用。
Approximate Symmetry Classification of Perturbed Generalized KdV Equation 扰动广义KdV方程的近似对称分类
Generalized estimating equation models were constructed to assess the effect of treatment over time. 通过构建广义估计方程模型评价治疗长期影响。
Approximate solution of homotopic mapping for generalized Boussinesq equation 广义Boussinesq方程的同伦映射近似解
Differential invariants and group classification of variable coefficient generalized Gardner equation 变系数广义Gardner方程的微分不变量及群分类偏差自变数微分方程
The algebraic condition can be represented by the distribution of the roots of the generalized characteristic equation of the ellipse and parabola ( hyperbola). 这些代数条件表示为由椭圆与抛物线,椭圆与双曲线确定的广义特征多项式的根的分布。
The Study of the Blow-up Solution and the Attractor to the Generalized Hyperelastic-rod Equation 广义超弹性杆方程解的爆破及其吸引子的研究
A method of coefficient discriminance to the integer solution of generalized Fermat equation 广义Fermat方程无整数解的系数判别法
A generalized equation of state for saturated vapors ( model of higher molecular clusters) 饱和蒸汽通用状态方程(多重复合分子模型)
The Generalized Equation of Consolidation Theory and Its Application 固结问题的普遍方程及其应用
The generalized equation of states proposed by the author and the polytropy analysis proposed by Schules were applied for the real gas thermodynamic analysis. 实际气体的热力学是基于作者提出的通用状态方程和Schules的多变分析。
In this paper, the generalized equation of motion for the coupled system of transmission tower and the conductors in out-of-plane vibration and its computational method are given according to the simplified model developed. 根据作者提出的侧向振动时高压输电塔体系的简化抗震计算模型,导出了振动方程,编制了高压输电塔体系抗震计算考虑导线影响的计算程序。
A new generalized equation of SAURATED liquid density 一个新型通用饱和液体密度方程
Generalized Equation to Calculate the Coefficient of Hydraulic Friction of Pipeline 管道水力摩阻系数的计算
Investigation of the Generalized Equation of Motion for KED Analysis of Flexible Mechanisms 机构运动弹性动力学普遍方程的研究
On the basis of the generalized equation of gas unsteady flow in complex pipelines and combining with the real conditions of production practice, this paper first puts forward the mathematical models of single loop network and two loop networks both in series and in parallel. 本文依据复杂管道内气体不稳定流动的概括性方式,结合生产实际条件,首先提出单环管网、双环串联管网和双环并联管网的数学模型;
The thermal conductivity model relates this non equilibrium property to the equilibrium pVT properties and enables the generalized equation of state ( EOS) to be applied to the calculation of the liquid thermal conductivity. 该模型把属于传递性质的热导率与物质的pVT等平衡性质联系起来,为状态方程在热导率推算中的应用构筑了桥梁。
A New Generalized Equation of State for Real Gases 一个新的实际气体通用状态方程
The generalized equation for calculation of the coefficient of hydraulic friction A is introduced. 介绍了计算水力摩阻系数λ的通用公式,在分析现有计算摩阻系数公式的基础上,借助于专门的过渡函数,求出了新的通用式。
A theoretical computation equation of Fick's law in matrix form is given for predicting the cross-term coefficients in binary diffusion, and the results are extended to 3-component and multicomponent diffusion systems. Finally, a generalized equation of Fick's law is obtained. 对多孔固体表面扩散二元系统给出Fick定律交叉项扩散系数矩阵形式的计算式,并将其推广到三元及多元扩散系统,得到Fick定律交叉项扩散系数普遍化的计算式。
With this generalized equation, the transfer and conversion equation of any form of energy can be derived. 该普遍化分解关系式表示出了任意形式的能量与其他形式能量之间的传递和转换关系,可以由此导出各种形式能量的动力学方程。
The Taylor tool life basic equation is extended and generalized equation of tool life extension equation is proposed. 通过对泰勒刀具寿命基本方程进行扩展,建立广义刀具寿命扩展方程。